Monday, 27 January 2014

The value of good design

Ilsa Parry design talk in Leeds - BoConcept 

In November 2013, Ilsa was invited by Julie and Jamie Kerner of BoConcept Leeds to host an event for customers of BoConcept, Heals and Calligaris where she introduced new product collections and reviewed the classics. The focus of the evening was to present the innate design qualities behind the concept and manufacture of key pieces and uncover the hidden value in the function and purpose of each piece. The event took place at Redbrick Mill in Leeds and alongside competitions, drinks and nibbles, Ilsa shed new light on what it truly means when we talk about a design classic.

Ilsa noted the qualities of half a dozen pieces of classic contemporary and modern furniture and put them in context of design history. She began with a focus on HOW we make judgement on quality when choosing furniture for our homes.

"We know that a design classic generally means something that has stood the test of time."

But how do we then judge what is “good” about new design?

Ilsa put forward the sentiment that Designs which prove themselves as classics are usually based on deeper values and aspects of life enhancement which are relevant to human existence beyond the realms of context. She cited Dieter Rams,  a very successful designer in the 1970s, in her talk when he declared that the ten commandments of good design should be items which are innovative, useful, aesthetic, understandable, unobtrusive, honest, long lasting, thorough, environmentally friendly, as little design as possible. Ilsa believes that essentially, these observations are still relevant yet the essence of such insight can be captured much more succinctly. Ilsa believes that "good design" which has the potential to transcend changes in taste and fashion is evolutionary and transformational.

That which transforms how we live by removing difficulty, by enhancing experience, by causing a spark of reflection on our own existence and thereby generating further change in how we live is by definition what Ilsa concluded as "good".

The Promo video can be viewed here which will give you a taste for the event: 

The talk focussed upon the design thinking in concept and construction terms behind the following key pieces:

BoConcept Function Coffee Table

Heals Master Chair

Calligaris Jam Chair

Calligaris Bloom Chair

Heals Togo Sofa

BoConcept Hamilton Chair
To Book Ilsa Parry to speak about design at your next event email

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